Globally, young key and vulnerable populations are at an elevated risk of HIV infection and face significant challenges in accessing HIV prevention and healthcare services. This group includes young women in sex work, young gay men and other men who have sex with men, young transgender individuals, young people who inject drugs, and young individuals in prison or confined settings. Despite their increased vulnerability, they frequently encounter substantial challenges when seeking effective HIV care, treatment, or prevention due to factors such as national laws, policies, stigma, discrimination, and biases within healthcare systems.
It is crucial to underscore the vital role that governments, the private sector, and other stakeholders play in ensuring an effective response to adolescent HIV prevention and care.
The Link and Learn session aimed to:
- Enhance the understanding of Young KVP programming
- Highlight Kenya's Approach to YKVP Programme Implementation
- Clarify the roles of Government, Implementing Partners, and Communities in YKVP programming
Dr. Celestine Mugambi (NSSDC) welcomed participants from various countries to the meeting, introducing an agenda focused on Kenya's Young Key and Vulnerable Populations Programme. The first presenters, Janet Musimbi (NSDCC) and Dr. Jebet Boit (MoH, Kenya), provided insights into Kenya's National Adolescent and Young Key Populations Programme. Janet Musimbi outlined the programme's key aspects, referencing the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework II and emphasizing a multisectoral approach for addressing the needs of adolescents and young key populations. Dr Jebet Boit discussed Kenya's efforts in population size estimation and the ensuring a favourable policy and legal environment established in Kenya.
Judy Makori shared the work of the Local Innovations Scaled Through Enterprise Networks (LISTEN) Programme in Kiambu County, which utilizes human-centered design and establishes communities of practice for adolescent girls and young women. Leah Wanaswa from Triggerise presented the Tiko program, focusing on its use in delivering KP services through KP-led CBOs and digital platforms, enabling access to sexual and reproductive health services for vulnerable adolescent girls and young women across ten implementing counties.
Kenya also presented a virtual tour of innovative approaches to create safe spaces for youth to access services. The session concluded with a question-and-answer segment, allowing countries to seek clarification and reflect on key lessons learned from the session.
Event resources
You can access the recording of this Link & Learn (L&L) session on YouTube by clicking the following link below.
Additionally, you can find the presentation attached below for your reference.
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