September 21, 2023

SSLN | Link & Learn on Operationalising ED-PrEP hosted by Eswatini

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Key populations, which include Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), People who Inject Drugs (PWID), Sex Workers, Transgender Women (TGW), and individuals in Closed Settings, face an elevated risk of HIV transmission due to legal, social, and behavioural factors that heighten their vulnerability. Following WHO guidelines, Event-Driven PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) plays a crucial role in HIV prevention for these groups. It entails taking a double dose of Truvada 2 to 24 hours before anticipated sexual activity, with subsequent doses if sex occurs, aligning with WHO's commitment to addressing their unique challenges and offering a cost-effective means to reduce HIV transmission, contributing to global efforts to control the HIV epidemic.


The Link and Learn session aimed to:

• Understand Eswatini's HIV landscape and PrEP progamme

•  Understand how Eswatini has implemented the PrEP programme at scale and more specifically, operationalising Event-Driven PrEP

• Learn about Eswatini’s data collection tools, PrEP uptake,  challenges and lessons learned


Dr Bongani Masango (Eswatini National AIDS Program) kicked off the session with a warm welcome and an introduction to the objectives of the Link & Learn session. He emphasised the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences to strengthen HIV prevention efforts. Dr Masango set the stage for the discussion on Event-driven PrEP implementation in Eswatini.

Sindy Matse  (Eswatini National AIDS Program) provided an in-depth overview of the implementation of PrEP in Eswatini. She highlighted the progress made in rolling out PrEP and discussed key aspects, including the identification of key and priority populations, PrEP eligibility criteria, and the specific PrEP regimens being used. Sindy also discussed the data collection tools used and shared insights on PrEP uptake, challenges faced, and lessons learned throughout the programme's implementation.

Following the presentation, Dr. Bongani Masango moderated a discussion session, inviting questions and comments from the participants, which were Country Champions from Mozambique, South Sudan, Zimbabwe and Botswana. This interactive session allowed for a deeper exploration of the topics presented, addressing the queries and concerns of the participating countries.  Country Champions had the opportunity to share their key takeaways from the session. They discussed how the insights and experiences shared by Eswatini could help inform and inspire their own PrEP programmes and HIV prevention.

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You can access the PowerPoint presentation by clicking on the link provided below.

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